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I used to be worried about what other people said about me, to a point I was worried to voice out what I thought. Especially when my thoughts aren’t in sync with them. But over the years, I learnt that I can’t please everyone, and no matter how hard I try, there are always going to be a few people who dislike me.

But the one thing my better half taught me (and he lead by example) was not to let other people’s opinion drown mine. Especially if the other person isn’t a true friend or doesn’t know me well enough to comment. So I heeded his advice. I still get a good amount of haters, nay-sayers and sometimes, social friends who make negative remarks. But I’ve learnt to see past that.

This is one of the quotes I live by:


And I’m so glad for the true friends who understand and support me. *hugs*


Anyway, Mico came back from the groomer and I think she looks like a poodle. We had to cut her fur really short as it grows super fast. A trip to the groomer cost RM90. That’s more expensive that my own haircut. She merajuk because we left her at the groomer’s for 3 hours. :roll:

But she’s a good cat. Really manja and we love her. Wayyyyy more manja than our other cat Melanie and Adrianna, who was killed in a hit and run. #stupiddrivershouldrotinhell

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Kash January 12, 2013 - 4:52 pm

When you are in the spotlight, there will be always one or two who will not like that. But as you have said, just do what you feel is right and never heed them. Wah,3 cats..sorry to hear about your other 2. I had 3 labs, all brothers and black, had them from their birth, sadly all 3 are gone now…old age. That’s life I suppose but I still miss them.

Bangsar Babe January 13, 2013 - 12:28 am

Only Adrianna was hit. The other two are (thankfully) still with me. I dread the day my pets grow old. Don’t know if I can handle them being gone. :(

Kash January 13, 2013 - 3:56 pm

Don’t think too much about it, but be there for them in their time of need. I was with them when all of my dogs were put to sleep(not all at the same time, were few months apart). I had to be brave and be there for them. I cried for a while but then I also knew they are at peace so I’m thankful for that.

Bangsar Babe January 14, 2013 - 9:37 am

Thanks Kash.

Ann January 12, 2013 - 9:54 pm

omg your cat is super cute!

Bangsar Babe January 13, 2013 - 12:28 am

Hehe thanks!

ciki January 13, 2013 - 1:04 am

you’re great just the way u are girl. good catching up 2nite:)

Bangsar Babe January 14, 2013 - 9:37 am

Great seeing you too! :)

ulric January 14, 2013 - 8:32 am

Tats one mighty cool cat! =)

Bangsar Babe January 14, 2013 - 9:38 am

Spoilt too. Needs to be disciplined sometimes.

KY January 15, 2013 - 10:15 am

Mico is too cute!

Bangsar Babe January 15, 2013 - 11:40 am

Thanks! :)

Michelle July 24, 2013 - 1:03 am

Never care what others say to you. No matter how hard you please there are going to be haters out there. The most important you tried your very best. Love your blog and I think that u are one of the best Malaysian food blogger out there who are impartial in their reviews.

Love ya,
A fan


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