For the past 8 years, I’ve had two cats in the family home. We started with Adrianna and then Melanie. When Adrianna passed away, my parents missed her so much that they got Miko, a kitten version of Adrianna. And then we got Teddy in May last year, making the household pet experience an interesting one – 2 cats and a dog.


Hello Toby!

I love Sundays when my family comes over to visit and they bring Teddy along; the sight of him running around the house really brightens the place up. When they leave, our apartment feels lonely. rif and I have been toying around with the idea of getting a cat so we can love and care for it the way we do for the other pets in my family home.


Settling in

When Hanim told us about a stray kitten that needed a home, we took him in and named him Toby. She found him outside her apartment weak and malnourished, and took him to the vet to get treatment. The poor kitten was put on drip and subsequently treated for fleas before they discharged him. We then took him home on Sunday night.

The first night was difficult. Because of the environment he came from, Toby was very timid and the slightest thing scared him. When I carried him, I could feel his heart beating so rapidly and he didn’t eat the food we put out. :cry:





Playing with the toy Hanim got him

Things got better the following day and last night, I was able to cradle him for a good 10 minutes. At first, he didn’t want to be carried and would struggle when rif and I tried to feed him his medication. Now that he’s getting used to us, things are easier. We now have a different problem. Toby wants to sleep upstairs, outside our bedroom door – so I have to consciously remember not to step on him when I open the door in the morning!


And our home is more complete (and livelier) with this little one running around. :)

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1 comment

rosealia September 24, 2014 - 3:37 pm

Love that u adopted a stray :)


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