Home Thoughts Juggling


by Bangsar Babe

As I sit in the office working through several presentation decks with my team for upcoming projects and client pitches, I ponder the thought of an escape. A place where I do absolutely nothing but lie on the sand and drink all the bubbly I can stomach.

It’s been a crazy, crazy few months – mostly at the office or meeting clients, as we attempt to expand our client portfolio without the help or influence of Bangsar Babe. It’s more difficult than I thought. The level of work and detail to attention Rhombus Consulting puts into client management takes planning and coordinating.

Do I love what I do? Yes. Do I wish I had more time for Bangsar Babe? Most definitely.

I enjoy working on client projects because it challenges me to think beyond the norm and this helps me improve as a marketer. But working more than 15 hours a day can be exhausting – Jien and I are finding it challenging to have alone time without discussing about work. It’s not ideal, but these things happen. We juggle.

But what I really need now is a retreat where I can relax and regroup my thoughts and plans for both Bangsar Babe and Rhombus Consulting. Any of you out there in the same boat as me? What are your tips on how to manage workload and stress healthily?

*if you’re here for new updates on where I’ve been going for food hunts or travel, do bear with me. I hardly have time to venture but I do have some good gems to share in the next few posts! And for travel, my travel writer Melissa will be back soon with more of her vacation updates. Now I want to be her! :P

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