As I sit on the plane en route Macau, it dawned upon me just how often I travel. Bearing in mind I just arrived at 1am the morning before from Hong Kong after a work assignment. My friend once made a comment on how he cannot understand why my company would allow me to travel so often and yet still promote me to the position I hold today.
It made me think long and hard; about how he’s partially right but also how he doesn’t understand the nature of my job and blog. Sure, I travel for leisure at least once in two months but most of the time, I do it over the weekend to minimize the number of days I take my work leave. On top of that, I don’t usually travel during school holidays and festive seasons. That’s when my other colleagues do, so at least there’s always someone at the office. Plus I get more annual leave than a general employee and I need to utilize them before year end.
He further added that my job in corporate brand and communications isn’t as “challenging” as I can still blog and run my social media channels regularly. Perhaps he’s right. And he isn’t the only one who thinks so — I’ve encountered many who think I have nothing to do but blog. But what these people fail to understand is, not every job is the same. Sure, I may not be in a (what they term) mentally challenging job like investment banking, auditing or engineering but it doesn’t give them the right to assume my job is easy.
I handle the corporate branding and communications for my division, which also includes flying to different countries when there’s a need. My tasks involve handling day to day operations, liaising with agencies and at many times, being the agency since most of the panel agencies aren’t competent enough. On top of that, the team needs to manage directors and stakeholders, making sure all communication materials are done accordingly and circulated through the right channels.
Not to mention attending to the whims and fancies of directors who can potentially cancel or bail on you, after you’ve put down a huge chunk of A&P budget for an event they wanted to participate in the first place. That’s also why I have to travel last minute for work so if I’ve ever bailed on your event or food review invite, I apologize as that’s a work hazard.
When it comes to the blog, I put in many hours of effort in writing and editing photos on an almost daily basis. I start working on the blog the minute I get home from work and dinner. And I work on this till at least 1am or so. This pattern also applies to when I’m overseas for work, much to the surprise of my colleague who once shared a room with me.
Weekends are spent with my friends and loved ones, and if time permits, I attend an event or two each month. Unlike many who are still active in the social scene, most of my socializing is done over a quiet meal or a happy hour session with people I care about. Sometimes, it feel as though I have two full time jobs.
I’m not complaining about how things are — it’s a part of my life and I love working on the blog. But I am nonetheless frustrated with comments that my day job is easy, because it’s not. It is however one of the most flexible jobs I’ve held as I get to do my own things outside office hours. Then again, I guess those people made such comments in reference to their own job because theirs come with a higher stress level and obviously, they get paid much more. Go figure. 🙂
I think you’re doing a great job, and there’s no need to explain to naysayers. Those who want to say nasty things will always do so. Just have fun and do what you love. Your blog speaks for itself. 🙂
Thanks for the support Grace! 🙂
People who feel the need to put others down are basically insecure or jealous. I do not think we ever have to defend what one does for a living as long as it is legal! I am always thankful for the guy who takes away my garbage, the young lady who delivers my newspaper, the loud vegetable seller at the market who always gives me an extra sprig of green onion, the Burmese guy at the kopitiam…. I can’t imagine if they weren’t in my life. I appreciate them and their contribution to all our lives. So, not everyone can be a doctor or lawyer or executive, but every job matters.
Hi Chris,
Totally agree with your stance. I guess sometime people take things forgranted in life…like how we rarely appreciate the traffic police who control traffic come rain or shine. Happens to people who have “made it” in life, I noticed. 🙁
Being able to juggle more important and meaningful tasks than 99% of other people is the reason why you are more successful than them.
I wouldn’t be surprised that this friend of yours is confused about how you manage it all. To him, it’s impossible. To you, it’s what you do.
Trust that he is alone in his comments. I’ve always known that you worked hard on both areas of your life.
All the best!
Thanks Lu Wee.
I guess he doesn’t regard me as a model employee (though I never once claimed to be one) since I travel for leisure so often. And there’s little I can do to change these people’s mindset…
I totally can relate to the part of editing photos and writing a post, after work (even after a really really long day). I am pretty sure most of the bloggers definitely share the same sentiments; and it’s not about pleasing others but for our passion though work and life commitments do get in the way and it’s not easy to juggle!
You have gone that extra mile, and not many of us can do that. Even I have fallen out once in a while, due to many reasons, and I just need to pick up on that.
I agree with most of the commenters; that people are just jealous and sometimes, there is no way to please everyone. Successes are pleasant but they invite those envious and malicious threats too, sad to say.
I personally can understand all the work that goes into maintaining blogs (I used to have to maintain almost up to 10 blogs) and they require commitment, dedication and persistence.
I have seen the way you kept your blog/site going since you started, and your hard work and dedication is admirable. I have to say, I can slip sometimes too…oh well, that’s a different story 😛
I have been blogging for a decade, and I remember you when you first started blogging too so I can definitely vouch for your commitment all these years. I admire your persistence, it is not easy, so don’t let anyone bring you down, keep it up, you’re the real Babe!
(Funny how I’ve never really met you in person, despite in the blogging circle and I have met others and heard so much about you, LOL! )
Keep up the good work, and hold your head up high, ignore those who try to pull you down, they will never stop. When you let in the good, you let in the bad at the same time, so life’s just like that 🙂
Keep going Bangsar Babe! 😉
Thanks Christy. Hope to see you around sometime soon! 🙂