Home Celebration 10 Years

10 Years

by Bangsar Babe

10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post on Bangsarbabe.com. I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a blog but didn’t have the guts to start one, despite constant encouragement from friends. So Jien set up the blog instead and gave me the moniker that eventually became my brand – Bangsar Babe®.

In the past 3,650 days, I’ve written 1,642 posts where each post takes approximately 3 hours to write and the photos, 3 hours to edit. That’s 6 hours per article (9,852 hours in total) for the blog alone. Then there’s the backend stuff like website management, social media postings, meetings, relationship building (PR), emails…so on and so forth.

Bangsar Babe Blog Giveaway Ceremony in 2012

Our 10 years journey was filled with ups and downs, climbing steep mountains and defying the odds that “a regular girl cannot possibly achieve great things”. When we faced difficult challenges, both Jien and I hung on to our core purpose of starting Bangsarbabe.com. We were backed with determination, passion and a whole lot of believe.

As the Bangsar Babe blog and brand turns 10, I reflect on the growth and progress Jien and I made over the years. Am I a changed person? Definitely. We all grow and learn from life’s experiences so in a way, I’m no longer the same wide-eyed girl I was when I wrote my first post.

Bangsar Babe's 8th Anniversary_00242

Bangsar Babe 8th Anniversary

David Beckham and Sue Lynn raising a glass at HAIG CLUB™ Shanghai

One of my biggest brand endorsements in the past 10 years

I’ve progressed to become a person of opinion – a voice I’ve built for years and one that has anchored the brand when it comes to helping people make choices. My good friends once told me that being in the public eye subjects me to a lot of criticism and hate, which they fear would break me. They were somewhat right.

But I’m also glad (and grateful) to have stood by what I believe in. I’d rather have an opinion about things than to just go with the majority. Being opinionated may have lost me followers who don’t agree with my thoughts but I feel (and have grown to accept) speaking the truth and being able to make a difference is more important than the number of followers I have.

Bangsar Babe 10th anniversary

To those that stood by me all these years, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I’ll do my best to remain engaging and relevant for as long as it takes. For those who’ve just come on board, welcome and thank you for being a part of Bangsarbabe.com! :)

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