Home Birthday Bangsar Babe takes a break

Bangsar Babe takes a break

by Bangsar Babe

It’s been almost a week since I last updated this blog, partly because work has been all-consuming and I was really focusing on client projects from the agency end. I also took a short break from blogging because Jien whisked me away to Lombok for a short retreat to celebrate my birthday.

The year has been so hectic for the both of us so Lombok was a welcomed respite before we head back to a pile of work and emails pending replies. I had several early birthday celebrations the week before – steak dinner with one of my besties, a surprise fried chicken “cake” from my team, dinner with Bel and on Sunday night, dinner with Jien’s family.


Surprise flower delivery from Bel & Paige


Dinner with some of my favourite people :)



Fried chicken cake from my team at Rhombus


I was most surprised with the flower delivery from Bel and Paige, and the fried chicken birthday cake my team so lovingly assembled. The latter was something I wished out of random as I love eating fried chicken. They went hunting for fried chicken that morning itself to build this cake, which I love!


With my little niece and nephew


Love my birthday cake from 1MoreBite!

We’re still in Lombok as I’m typing this post – catching up on a bit of work and blog before we head back into the pool of our private villa. We’ve also spent time cycling around the island to explore and look for places to eat – Ko Ko Mo serves pretty good food by the beach, I felt. Dinner there was the best we’ve had so far though since it’s an island, it’s best to keep your expectations minimal haha.


Birthday dinner by the beach at Ko Ko Mo



Room service at Aston Sunset


Thank you Apronbay, for making sure I’m bikini ready!



Do not disturb

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me and I appreciate the patience while I get back on track with more blogposts (yes, they are in draft mode at the moment!). Till then, I’ll leave you to read this while I head back into the pool. Ta!

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