Home Celebration Happy Birthday Mummy!

Happy Birthday Mummy!

by Bangsar Babe

My mother would have turned 59 today if she were still alive.

When we celebrated her birthday in 2015, I remember questioning why she wanted a big celebration since it wasn’t her 60th. And I told her she should wait till she turned 60 so we can do it on a grand scale.

See, my mother wasn’t big on celebrations and birthday. To her, it’s “just another day”. At least that was what she used to say to my siblings and I, when we got bratty and demanded for a huge birthday party. And she threw us many birthday parties when we were growing up – for me, the most.

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She requested for a private dinner for 40 pax – comprising family members and her closest of friends. Looking back, it was her way of saying thank you and goodbye. It also the last time we all saw her at her most energetic, as from there on, she was in and out of the hospital for treatment.

Happy Birthday Mummy. I hope you’re happy and healthy where you are. 🙂

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