Home Food Reviews Macau Pork Chop Bun

Macau Pork Chop Bun

Like the Portuguese egg tart, another item to try in Macau is the pork chop bun from Tai Lei Loi Kee (although you can now get one in KL). Walking along the busy streets of Macau, I spotted throngs of people with a pork chop bun in their hand. So I gave it a try.


Long queue, small outlet


I went to the outlet at the bottom steps of Ruins of St. Paul and ordered two versions – pork chop bun and pork chop polo bun – to compare. You basically get a thin piece of pork chop sandwiched between a bun. No frills.


No frills

The plain bun was dry and hard. Good thing the pork chop was juicy and well flavoured. I rather enjoyed the pork chop polo bun, featuring the same pork chop but in a buttery-sweet bun. I thought the sweet crust of the bun complemented the saltiness of the pork chop.


Pork chop polo bun

All in, I don’t think these buns are to die for but when you happen to be in Macau, you ought to give it a try. ;)

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Tai Lei Loi Kee
18, Largo Governador Tamagnnini Barbosa,

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Choi Yen November 28, 2013 - 11:29 am

But I read some reviews that the house-made bun also commendable, seem like they need to do something for the consistency of their products :P

Bangsar Babe November 28, 2013 - 2:20 pm

Yeah that was what I thought. Was quite excited about it…until I had the (hard) bun. :(

Melissa November 28, 2013 - 11:50 am

Is Tai Lei Loi Kee, KL pork chop bun taste similar to the one in Macau?

Bangsar Babe November 28, 2013 - 2:22 pm

I don’t know yet dear. Will try it when I get the chance to. :)

See Yong December 22, 2013 - 12:18 am

Tai Lei Loi Kee had opened one of their store at Sunway Pyramid. It’s on G1, between Pasta Zanmai and Tong Pak Fu~ Give it a try one day. :)


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