Home Food Reviews Fusion Noodles at KM Kitchen, Jalan Kuchai Lama

Fusion Noodles at KM Kitchen, Jalan Kuchai Lama

by Bangsar Babe

Ham, cheese & egg sandwich

Comfort. We each seek comfort in different ways – some through hugs and kind words, some turn to alcohol, some would indulge in their favourite foods, and some go for retail therapy. I do them all, but in a slightly different order – food, alcohol, kind words and lastly, retail therapy. I’ve never been big on shopping because my wallet isn’t fat to begin with.

But I do enjoy stuffing my face with whatever limited funds I have can pay for. Last week, I found solace in Joshua’s mis-mash of kind words and witty sarcasms, and we also ate a delicious calorie-laden lunch so I could self soothe. I call this place the temple of “ganja” – KM Kitchen, just opposite FGA Church in Jalan Kuchai Lama.

Fusion Noodles

“Today, add extra ganja,” he said to the lady boss, when ordering their house specialty — fusion noodles. Joshua also ordered a plate of ginger beef kuay teow and a small serving of fried kai lan with salted fish so I don’t end up eating Christy and Pei Gee (they would make good pai kuat wong) if there weren’t enough food on the table.

Gooey egg yolk always makes my day!

My kopi ice was extra thick and went well with the ham, cheese and egg sandwich we ordered to share. The sandwich was a no brainer: ham + cheese + egg + bread = comfort food. I would have preferred the cheese to be melted, but all is forgiven once I bit into the warm, runny yolk. I liken this to the Asian sister of the Croque Madame.

Creamy butter gravy

The fusion noodles lived up to its reputation. Before I get chided for purportedly taking drugs in public, the ‘ganja’ in mention is the copious amount of butter in the gravy. Think butter crabs, with noodles in the place of crabs. The egg noodles were deep-fried till crispy, while the kuay teow was well flavoured with a good dose of wok fire. But they were only sidekicks to the butter gravy. Aromatic from the curry leaves, the gravy was thick and creamy from the combination of butter and evaporated milk, while the cili padi gave it a mildly spicy kick.

Ginger Beef Kuay Teow

Also good was the ginger beef kuay teow. The gravy was eggy and not overly starchy with a generous amount of beef slices – tenderized, well marinated and pleasantly chewy. I liked that young ginger was used so the texture was smooth and easy to eat. Like the fusion noodles, the kuay teow had a good smoky-char flavour and paired well with the gravy. Not the best I’ve eaten, but certainly decent enough to recommend.

Fragrant noodles

Stir-fried Kai Lan with Salted Fish

The kai lan was ordered just for the sake of having greens. Although simple, the salted fish bits were crisply fried and added a nice touch to the otherwise plain vegetables. Lunch came up to RM48 for the above inclusive of 4 drinks. Pretty reasonable, don’t you think? Thank you for lunch Joshua – it was a yummy self soothing experience. 🙂

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Ambiance: 5/10
Price: 6.5/10
Food: 6.5/10 (non-halal)
Verdict: For a buttery-rich, artery-clogging experience, order the fusion noodles with ‘extra ganja’. I’m definitely coming back for more!

KM Kitchen (opposite FGA Church)
Taman Goodwood,
Jalan Kuchai Lama
Off Jalan Kelang Lama,
58200 Kuala Lumpur

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Sean April 30, 2012 - 5:06 pm

oooh, creamy egg yolk like that is probably ganja for me too! i should head here for a good meal, though if i get hopelessly hooked on the food here, i’ll blame you! 😀

Bangsar Babe April 30, 2012 - 5:09 pm

Hahaha! Enjoy… 😀

Michelle April 30, 2012 - 7:55 pm

buttery noodles. that is just too sinful!

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:09 am

It’s yummmmmyyyy!! 😀

Simple Person April 30, 2012 - 9:09 pm

temple of ganja ?? ooo boy … give me some please .. it spreading to me ..
deep breathing with nose.. LOL
the ginger beef keow teow looks very delicious..

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:09 am

Hahaha! It is very addictive. But if you’re greedy and drink all the gravy, you’ might feel ‘jelak’.

missyblurkit May 1, 2012 - 12:27 am

never noted this place but food certainly looks comforting. will include this into our list to makan…but i think i will avoid the sunday church crowd:D

runny and creamy eggs definitely make a good day and a good meal!

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:10 am

I think it’s not open on Sunday. The owner goes to FGA church too. 😉

Criz Lai May 1, 2012 - 9:07 am

I don’t think I have seen any noodles of this style in Penang~ Should be real good business if start one outlet here~ 😛 Yummy!

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:10 am

Franchise opportunity? Hehehe 🙂

The Yum List May 1, 2012 - 6:00 pm

A buttery rich artery clogging experience!!!

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:11 am

You don’t say!

ciki May 1, 2012 - 7:46 pm

Looks like a poor man’s version of the Croque Madame..! LOL

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 9:11 am

It sort of is. RM3.50 versus RM30 for the French version…I don’t mind. 🙂

Choi Yen May 2, 2012 - 2:02 pm

I hope the creamy gravy will not too cloying after take too much of it ;P

Bangsar Babe May 2, 2012 - 2:06 pm

Don’t drink all of the gravy…then can! 😉

Ivan May 28, 2012 - 6:17 pm

do they open for dinner? got the gps coordinate for it?


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