If you follow my Facebook and/or Instagram, you would know that I’m on a vacation in Taiwan. rif has been wanting to go to Taiwan since 2 years ago and he finally convinced me to go early this year. To be honest, I don’t get why he wants to go to Taiwan when he can’t speak a single word of Mandarin.


Yehliu Rock Formation

It’s been a pain trying to be his translator when my Mandarin isn’t exactly fantastic — it’s only good enough to get me by. In Taiwan, most of them speak little or no English. That aside, it’s been a pretty interesting trip so far. We’re travelling with a friend and engaged in a driver who is a really nice guy. He was recommended to me by a friend and that friend of mine who used him to travel around Taiwan.


Golden Waterfall


Ordered a big breakfast from AirAsia. Pretty decent.


First meal in Taipei — egg pudding. :)



I think a driver is important if you want to explore beyond Taipei, as the train lines and buses don’t stop in these areas. So far, I’ve been to Yehliu, Yilan, Luodong, Hualien, Taroko Park and am now in Cingjing Farm. The scenery is beautiful but pity it’s been raining since I got to Taiwan wtf.


Pork churros. Taiwan style


Sand sulpture in Fulong Beach


Wantan soup in Hualien


Fresh salmon sashimi


Seafood dinner in Hualien

Food has been ok for me. I haven’t been particularly impressed with the street food and favourites such as smelly tofu, small sausage in large sausage, and lu rou fan didn’t knock my socks off. I did however like the steamed fried pork bun and beef noodles, plus the seafood in Hualien.


Mochi, a Hualien specialty

Haven’t been eating as much as I usually do in Hong Kong and Penang because not everything caught my fancy. I noticed the food culture in Taiwan is heavily influenced by the Japanese, Korean and Chinese, evident in what I’ve eaten so far.


Our room in Cingjing


Homestay in Hualien

And if you’re wondering, I think the Shilin fried chicken is tasty but a bit too jelak for me. Really miss the Subang fried chicken and curry laksa now hahaha.

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swk May 6, 2014 - 10:05 am

egg pudding looks delish… btw, may i have the driver contact pls, if u dun mind… thx

xyndi May 6, 2014 - 7:10 pm

hello bangsarbabe! i love reading your blog. i have a request, is it possible for me to obtain the driver contact? i plan to travel to taiwan soon n it would be good if i could get a trusted contact. :D

Bangsar Babe May 13, 2014 - 12:08 am

Hi xyndi,

Let me do an updated post on Taiwan with the driver details (and pros and cons of him). That would be better for you to decide if it’s worth getting a driver or not.

fei May 7, 2014 - 8:19 pm

u should arrange to go Miaoli n Sanyi..the Hakka Tung Blossom is blossoming nw! I was there 2 weeks ago n the hills are already half white!

Bangsar Babe May 13, 2014 - 12:06 am

Aiks. Didn’t have time to plan for a trip. :(

unkaleong May 8, 2014 - 11:31 am

No beef noodles? :)

Bangsar Babe May 13, 2014 - 12:06 am

Had tons hahaha! Now I sorely miss curry mee!!!

Hannah May 8, 2014 - 4:07 pm

Taiwanese scenery looks really gorgeous… I had some delicious dumplings at a dumpling shop near to the main park in the city centre a couple of years ago. I cant remember the name, but I still remember them!

Winnie Chan May 8, 2014 - 4:40 pm

Dear bangsarbabe,

Can you please share the driver’s details? I’m planning to go to Taiwan in July.
How does the engagement work? Do I need to pay for his accommodation and meals as well?

Thank you.

Winnie Chan May 12, 2014 - 4:31 pm

May I have the contact of the driver?
I am planning to go to Taiwan in July and is looking for a good driver.
Thank you.

Bangsar Babe May 13, 2014 - 12:05 am

Hi Winnie,

Will update soon on the driver’s details. There are a few things I need to highlight (pros and cons) which you will find useful. Am getting another driver contact from a friend who is going in June. His driver MIGHT be better than mine.

Can you wait a bit and I’ll get back to you? :)

kei June 19, 2014 - 1:44 am

hi.. can i noe when u ate the egg pudding?

Bangsar Babe June 27, 2014 - 4:07 pm

I had it at the Taipei Main Railway Station.


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