Home Food Reviews Good Eats at Jalan TAR

Nasi Kandar Ibramsha


I used to get my nasi kandar fix from Nasi Kandar Ibramsha and it is best to reach the restaurant before 12noon or after 2pm. Otherwise, be prepared to join the long queue. Prices have skyrocketed since my first visit in 2005 – a plate of rice with ayam masak kicap (chicken with dark sauce), telur dadar (omelette) and vegetables used to cost RM6 or so.

These days, I pay almost RM10 for the same thing. I would tell the guy to ‘banjir semua kuah’ as that gives the rice more oomph. The chicken leg is juicy with a caramelized flavour from the kicap, provided you get the ones freshly cooked. Also decent is the telur dadar – thick and fluffy with a savoury-sweet flavour from the onions.

Nasi Kandar Ibramsha
68, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman,
50100, Kuala Lumpur


Nasi Kandar Kudu bin Adbul


Just a short walk from Nasi Kandar Ibramsha, I find Kudu bin Abdul’s nasi kandar tastier than the former. I often have to wait 20 minutes or so to get to the front of the line.

My usual picks are fish egg, ayam madu (honey chicken), okra and kuah banjir. Like Nasi Kandar Ibramsha, expect to pay around RM10 or so for a plate. A few people ordered the prawn curry, and was charged RM20 for their plate of rice. That said, the curry looked and smelt good so I’ll probably try it when I have more money. :)

Nasi Kandar Kudu bin Abdul
335 Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
50300, Kuala Lumpur


Kin Kin Chilli Pan Mee


My first experience at Kin Kin Chilli Pan Mee was so unpleasant, I never went back until five years later. While you can now get your chilli pan mee fix at Publika, the old stall gives you a bit of nostalgia when you eat your noodles. Something I don’t really care about, I’m afraid.

You can choose to have your pan mee with soup or dry; I prefer the latter as you get to add as much chilli flakes as you want. But don’t be a hero. TASTE your noodles before adding more. Two spoons is just about the amount I can handle, without feeling as though I’m about to die inside. A dry pan mee comes with minced pork, crispy ikan bilis and topped with a poached egg. You get a bowl of soup with sayur manis as well.

Restoran Kin Kin
No. 40, Ground Floor,
Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman 1,
off Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Kuala Lumpur


Rosli Mee Rebus


This isn’t exactly in Jalan TAR, but it’s nearby and I thought it would be a nice addition to the list. Rosli Mee Rebus is located behind Haniffa Textiles and if I’m not mistaken, it only opens during the day. A plate of mee rebus comes with yellow noodles, hard boiled egg and beansprouts, and topped with light brown gravy.

The gravy is made from beef stock and fat, and packed a load of flavour. Remember to squeeze some lime to give the noodles a hint of sourness. Simple yet delicious. If you’re a big eater, simply order two plates or ask for the mee rebus special.

Rosli Mee Rebus
Lorong Bunus 4
Off Jalan Masjid India
50100, Kuala Lumpur


Coliseum Cafe


Coliseum is known to be the place for steaks many years ago. Today, it still boasts an old school feel with old tile floors, starched linen, stained walls and aged furniture. The food has increased in price over the years, but it is still one of the more affordable places to get a decent steak. Also worth trying is the Hainanese Chicken Chop.

Coliseum Cafe
98-100 Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2692 6270

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ulric January 4, 2013 - 9:37 am

The mee rebus appeals to me…but wat’s special about the Special?…hehe =)

Bangsar Babe January 4, 2013 - 9:56 am

Special got sotong and a few more add-ons. I didn’t try that though.

ean January 4, 2013 - 9:52 am

hey, u missed out Capitol’s satay daging (after 6pm only), mee hainan and nasi padang. It’s opposite Sogo, across the road. And Insaf’s beryani ayam too. Goreng n Masala are the best picks. Murtabak zamzam is also on jln Tar, in front of ibramsha, though I havent been there, dont know if it tastes the same as the Singapore one.
Sigh…I missed them foodssss too

Bangsar Babe January 4, 2013 - 9:57 am

Haih…you la! Never bring me. Always say you’ll bring me…mee rebus pun takde. :(

I didn’t like Zam Zam in Singapore…so I don’t think I’ll like the one in KL.

ean January 8, 2013 - 10:47 am

weiii i tapau for u mee rebus what…..
buzz me whenever ur in Kl lunch time

Bangsar Babe January 8, 2013 - 11:02 am

One time only. :(

Haha…okok. Will buzz you. Hard la these days. They keep me at the office all the time. :roll:

Sean January 4, 2013 - 11:26 am

everything you’ve listed is barely a 10-minute drive from my office, so i really have not much excuse for the fact that i haven’t been to any of them! nasi kandar first, cos i like nasi kandar (my ideal plate contains fried chicken, cockles, fried fish roe and fried liver, with plenty of gravy) :D

Bangsar Babe January 4, 2013 - 1:48 pm

Time to eat some Nasi Kandar! :D

Simple Person January 4, 2013 - 1:40 pm

wow the nasi kandar looks very delicious..
I like the gravy..

Bangsar Babe January 4, 2013 - 1:49 pm

Yup, pretty good. I love my gravy ‘banjir’.

Kash January 4, 2013 - 4:09 pm

I’ve eaten at Nasi Kandar Kudu, around ’96-’97, they were decent that time. Those years were got Pavilion,Mid-Valley,etc, so Jln TAR was a hangout place during college years.

Bangsar Babe January 4, 2013 - 7:52 pm

I still like old school places. :)


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