Home Obituary Goodbye Toby

Goodbye Toby

by Bangsar Babe

As most of you read on FB and Instagram, Toby left us last Saturday (24th October 2015) at 9.10pm. It devastated both rif and I, as we loved him very very much and did all we could to save him.

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When Toby first came into our lives

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Master of our staircase

I was not only filled with grief and devastation, but with anger and fury at our vet in Bangsar, who I believe failed to give him the right diagnosis and care. Toby suffered from chronic renal failure, which was an accute kidney disease but the vet diagnosed it as gingivitis instead. šŸ™ There were so many hateful and angry words I wanted to hurl at the veterinarian for Toby’s early departure.

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His first few days at home


With little Mori at the background

But as rif and I grieveĀ over this death, we’ve decided not to proceed with anger, but with gratefulĀ heartsĀ that Toby came into our lives. We want to focus on all the good memories of our little Toby, and cherish the time we had with him.


I’m going to miss holding his paws

He was such a joy to rif and I — always greeting us outside our bedroom door every morning, sending us out the door as we left for work and waiting for us at the same spot when we get back. He was very attached to us and would sit on my lap while I worked on the blog or on rif’s while he watched TV.

Poor Toby was on drip for 2 weeks

Poor Toby was on drip for 2 weeks

To Ee, thank you for visiting Toby regularly when he was at the vet getting treatment. And thank you for rushing over on Friday when you learnt about his emergency blood transfusion. To our other friends, thank you for helping us make Toby’s time with us a good one. We’ve given him the best we could and we’re grateful that you’ve been a part of it.

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He left us on 24th October 2015 at 9.10pm

We buried Toby next to Adrianna and Melanie, in the garden of our family home. I couldn’t bear to give his body to the vet and this way, I can visit him when I go there daily.


He was always a good brother to Mori

To my dear Toby, you’ve fought hard and well. Mummy and Daddy are so proud of you and words cannot describe our pain when you left. Thank you for being such a good brother to Mori. Like us, she’s very sad that you’re no longer here. Thank you for showing her how to use the litter box properly, and for always being the better cat and letting her eat first.


Always so good natured and mild tempered


Mori, tending to a critically ill Toby on Saturday

My only regret is the short time we had together. And your tears when you were about to leave us for good. Mummy will never ever forget that moment. We miss you already, but we’re happy that you’re in a better place.


TOBY (June 2014 – 24th October 2015)

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