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by Bangsar Babe

In this day and age, we’ve gotten so accustomed to shopping online – from clothes and make-up, right down to groceries. I’ve been pretty hooked on online shopping, especially for home décor and kitchen appliances. It’s like a stress relief, browsing through sites looking for the best deals.


Browsing 11street

One of the sites rif and I go to for ideas and also to browse is 11street, a platform that carries a decent range of products from Fashion, Electronics, Health & Beauty, Home & Living to Grocery as well services such as e-vouchers. Although I will admit; I don’t come here for fashion as I already have apparel sponsors that dress me well.

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Check out “Shocking Deals” for great discounts!

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So far, I’ve bought things from their Home & Living category like the slap chop (it works by the way!), ceramic knives, Tupperware and wine accessories – all the items I use on a regular basis. One of the features I find unique about 11street is the Benefits, where members can shop online and accumulate points, which will then translate into discounts, as well as coupons and additional privileges for the future purchases.

Slap Chop

No more tears when using this to chop onions!

Remember the good old days where our mothers would collect discount coupons from newspapers and magazines? Well this is the way we do it in the digital era. In a way, I’m a lot like my mother but only, more tech savvy haha! 😛


My next purchase in mind? Definitely the Honeywell Compact Air Purifier because it’s so hazy these days and I could use another one downstairs while I’m entertaining guests at brunch, lunch or dinner. What about you? Have you found what you want at 11street?

If you haven’t, perhaps it’s time to take that 10-15 minutes break from work (c’mon, we all do it!) and start planning for what to buy. 😉

Alternatively, you could drop by their ‘LOVE 11’ event on 11 November and see 11street come to life. There will be products on showcase, prize giveaways, appearance by HAHA (the funny one from Running Man) and other activities. If you’re one of those who aren’t accustomed to online shopping, this is a good way to explore what the website has to offer, ‘live’!

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