Home Food Reviews Penang Nasi Kandar, Restoran Kok Siong

Mmmmm…. :)

Nasi Kandar Kok Siong in Puchong looks like any other stall in a Chinese coffeeshop. I only knew about this place when I became a volunteer at the Burmese children shelter in Puchong two years ago. A Mr. Tee mans this nasi kandar stall with the help of three workers. According to him, the dishes here are authentic Penang nasi kandar dishes.

For good nasi kandar, queuing is necessary!

I was there with my in-laws on a Saturday and there was already a queue before lunchtime. It could be the location, but the nasi kandar here is more affordable compared to the two stalls in downtown Kuala Lumpur. We shared two fried chicken leg (RM6 each), sambal petai (RM3.50) and mutton curry (RM6). The nasi kandar with telur dadar cost RM5 while the one without is RM3.50. Both came with some ‘kerak’ (also known as fried batter) on top, which gave the rice a crunchy texture.

Thick and spicy mutton curry

Almost everyone in the coffeeshop was eating the nasi kandar best sellers are the fried chicken and mutton curry. The mutton, cooked in the thick and spicy curry was slightly gamey but incredibly tender. While some people don’t fancy the gamey flavour, I like a small dose of it. Very delicious with the curry laden rice. The highlight of Nasi Kandar Kok is definitely the fried chicken.

Check out the crispy bits on that fried chicken!

Deep-fried till golden brown, the chicken was crispy on the outside yet juicy and tender on the inside. You can ask them for extra kerak for more kick. I didn’t care much for the sambal petai and it wasn’t as spicy as I liked it to be. Also, the addition of chopped fish paste made the dish taste weird. Not for me, this one.

Sambal petai with fish paste

I was very satisfied with my nasi kandar – portion and taste wise. Truth be told, I actually enjoyed this nasi kandar more than the famous nasi kandar stalls in Jalan T.A.R because the curries are more flavoursome and the chicken is fresh out of the fryer. A quick chat with Mr. Tee revealed that he has been operating his nasi kandar stall for 11 years.

*Also read my column on Nasi Kandar places here!

Ambiance: 5/10
Price: 6/10
Food: 7.5/10
Verdict: Next time you’re craving Nasi Kandar, skip the KL jam and head over to Puchong for this!

Penang Nasi Kandar Kok (pork free)
Restoran Kok Siong
(next to Tesco Puchong)
Jalan Bandar 16,
47100 Puchong
GPS Coordinates: N3 02.165 E101 36.973
Opens daily: 10am to 4pm

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Michelle chin February 5, 2012 - 11:39 am

sambal petai!!!

*mouth waters*

Bangsar Babe February 5, 2012 - 5:02 pm

I’m guessing you’re a huge fan? Hehe

Sean February 5, 2012 - 2:09 pm

sambal petai is a pretty interesting dish to offer at a nasi kandar joint! i don’t think i’ve ever seen it at other nasi kandar outlets, but it could add a nice twist to the overall flavor of the meal :D

Bangsar Babe February 5, 2012 - 5:01 pm

Now that you mentioned it, true! I never came across sambal petai at nasi kandar places either! But everything tasted pretty authentic. Even rif’s parent’s friend (Penang mari) told me so. ;)

Simple Person February 6, 2012 - 12:12 pm

hmmm a lot of d boss behind d indian/mamak restaurant is chinese….
I definitely will go n try ….. d crispy chicken looks so delicious..
Sambal petal with fish paste .. first time i heard abt it….
I am not a petal eater .. LOL.. so will skip this

Bangsar Babe February 6, 2012 - 5:28 pm

The petai isn’t a must-try. But the fried chicken is! :)

Freddie May 22, 2014 - 6:17 pm

What a let down, Bangsar Babe, this girl knows nuts about nasi kandar, goodness the sotong was overcooked, no daging masak kichap, no curry ikan bawal hitam, no nasi kandar taste, biggest crap… Regret like hell. 2 overcooked sotong,1 piece of fried fish, fried cabbage ..RM 13.00 damn expensive… For god sake bangsar babe… Go to Pelita Danau Kota PV 128 ,that is nasi kandar… Rubbish, con job..


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