Home Food Reviews Bali Day 2

rif has always been an early (and responsible) riser. I’m someone who snoozes her phone alarm clock, and sometimes, accidentally turns it off amidst my 3rd or 4th snooze attempt. I had trouble waking up that morning, so rif had to tickle me out of bed.

Morning face

Sunny side up, bacon and pancake

Scrambled egg and fried noodles
The hotel provided breakfast every morning and it was nothing to shout about. My breakfast was a sunny side up, bacon and a pancake that did not taste like pancake. Something went horribly wrong with that batter – it was rubbery. rif’s noodles were just as bad.

Things we saw along the way…

Made (our driver) drove us to Ubud, which was about 2.5 hours from Kuta. Traffic in Bali was horrible and Made was going at 40 to 50km/h. Many a times, I felt like telling him to ‘step on it’! He should totally come to Malaysia and drive in KL/Cheras. I’m pretty sure he’ll become a much faster, more aggressive driver. LOL
We reached Ubud before noon and started exploring the market. I didn’t really find anything I liked, except the beaded slippers. The people in Bali are generally quite friendly especially when you smile at them. I found them friendlier compared to Thai people.

Look, matching colours!

Nasi Goreng Special (Rp35,000)

We had lunch at Lobong Café, because I was too tired and hungry to hunt for Warung Nuri. The place was beautiful – we dined al fresco, in the middle of the garden. The nasi goreng special tasted quite good, especially when eaten with some sambal terasi. I liked the satay, which was meaty, tender and thoroughly seasoned. Between the two, I enjoyed the nasi goreng while rif preferred the nasi campur.

Nasi Campur (Rp35,000)

Om nom nom nom

Lobong Cafe
Monkey Forest Road
Ubud 80571, Bali
Tel: (0361) 971342, 971343
We shopped around for a little more, before making our way back to the entrance of Ubud at 3.30pm where Made was waiting. He took us to Tanah Lot to watch the sunset.

We stopped for some bakso halfway to Tanah Lot

But it wasn’t very tasty…

The view from Tanah Lot was beautiful. We spotted a couple doing their pre-wedding photoshoot there. It would have been a lovely experience, but flocks of tourists started taking pictures of the couple too. I would be annoyed if this were to happen to me.

We reached our hotel feeling rather tired and ended up grabbing a kebab in Kuta town. It was hardly worth mentioning. Because we weren’t happy with our room, the hotel agreed to give us a newer, slightly nicer room on the first floor. That night, we slept well. :)

*Read about Bali Day 1 HERE. Day 3, 4 & 5 coming up soon. I just need to stop procrastinating…

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1 comment

Alexander April 8, 2011 - 1:37 am

OMG! Did you guys noticed in image 8708 the "special" item sold?


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