Home Food ReviewsCuisineDessert Dessert House (Tian Pin Ge Ge) @ SS2

After a disappointing dinner at Sanbanto, we weren’t too keen on trying their desserts. Since there was a new dessert place next door, Nomad and I decided to take our chances and try their tong suis. Tong sui is a form of sweet warm/cold soup served as a dessert at the end of a meal. My favourite tong sui is the peanut soup, also known as Fa Sang Wu in Cantonese. A good peanut soup should be thick, creamy and fragrant from the ground peanuts. Dessert House’s version (RM3) lacked aroma and it was diluted; it tasted as though they bought a powder mix and added hot water into it. We also tried the walnut + peanut soup (RM3.50) — this was dreadful. The walnut soup tasted plastic, and it added further damage to the flavour of the peanut soup.I thought the Snow Mountain and Pomelo & Sago in Mango Sweet Soup (RM8.50) was just as bad. The green tea ice cream tasted artificial, and the mango sweet soup could pass off as a mango cordial. While the pomelo was an attempt to be creative, it was terribly bitter, and took the dessert straight to the dumps. The Black Glutinous Rice with Mango Coconut Milk (RM8) fared better, but it was still nowhere near good. I liked the combination, but some parts of the glutinous rice were not cooked properly. Still, it was better than the first 3 desserts we had. We tried the Mango Rolls (RM12) out of curiousity, and immediately regretted our spontaneous decision. This was a mango and coconut pudding shaped to look like a chee cheong fun; I thought it tasted weird. Come to think of it, everything tasted artificial. These were probably the worst tong suis I’ve tried, and I wouldn’t torture myself by going back.

Ambiance: 5/10
Price: 5/10
Food: 1/10
Verdict: Forget about trying this. Just go to KTZ a few doors away.

Here’s the address if you STILL want to try it for yourself:

36, Ground Floor,
Jalan SS2/63,
47300, PJ

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thule a.k.a leo November 17, 2009 - 4:51 am

alamak… 2 misses in a day!!
You should have gone to KTZ further down the road instead… I have always loved their peanut soup and their red bean dessert :)

"Joe" who is constantly craving November 17, 2009 - 5:46 am

was it friday the 13th ar..so cheh 1..tats really bad luck

babe_kl November 17, 2009 - 8:47 am

OMG u mean they actually opened a branch??? their first was in kepong more than a year back and i blogged about it. it was really BAD but i don't understand how come it's always packed??!! and now even open branch???

thenomadGourmand November 17, 2009 - 9:24 am

urgh..what a nite hor??
But luckily the company made up for it?? ;p

550ml jar of faith @minchow November 17, 2009 - 9:59 am

Gahh.. tough luck Babe. But take consolation that it's sacrifices like these ones you make with Nomad that save the rest of us from stumbling into similar mistakes!!

J2Kfm November 17, 2009 - 10:45 am

but wait, didnt this place got some rather rave reviews, back in their 1st outlet in kepong? (if i'm not mistaken)
the mango with coconut hor fun, a salute to the Hong Kong's original.

shleesy November 17, 2009 - 12:43 pm

never try any of the desserts that u ordered but i keep going back for the double steam milk custard @ Kepong outlet.

personally i find KTZ quality is no longer as good as it first started a decade ago

TL November 17, 2009 - 3:54 pm

Actually I quite like the place (@SS2), though I have not ordered the exact items you have blogged about.

Items that I think are good:

1) Tau Fo Fa (REALLY REALLY Smooth!!! Nothing else comes close)

2) "Fa Sang Wu" + "Zhi Ma Wu" (Peanut Paste + Black Sesame Paste)

Items which I think you should avoid:

1) Mango Pancake

2) Pumpkin Sago (forgot the exact name)

3) I also didn't quite like the double skin milk custard. Coz I find it too sweet.

Actually I have not tried many other items because I keep going back for the Tau Fo Fa. Nyumm :P~

CUMI & CIKI November 18, 2009 - 2:19 am

ok, will not go here;) cheers bbabe

taufulou November 18, 2009 - 8:58 am

wha~ this place is so bad ah~ Banned then~

~Christine~Leng November 18, 2009 - 9:02 am

surprisingly, i like their mango rolls, but not the others tho…. haha.

kampungboycitygal November 18, 2009 - 10:45 am

we liked the mango roll very much, the coconut jelly thing was nice. but the rest of our orders were terrible!

Bangsar-bAbE November 18, 2009 - 11:53 am

kampungboycitygal & Christine – I was so disappointed that night. I thought it was the famous dessert place from Kepong. =(

taufulou – Better go KTZ!

Cumi & Ciki – No prob…

TL – I didn't like the Fa Sang Wu wor…

shleesy – Yes, KTZ also dropped in standard already, but it's still better than this dessert place!

J2Kfm – Errrr….I guess this is the place. But I think it's cr*p lor…

550ml – LOL…since you put it that way, ya hor!

nomad – Yup…great company! ;)

babe_kl – This is their new branch…terrible hor? Dunno how come can still open branches…

Joe – Not Friday the 13th. It was just rotten luck!

leo – Ya lor…I regretted not going KTZ!

TL November 19, 2009 - 3:44 am

I still think you should try the Tau Fu Fa! :P

Bangsar-bAbE November 29, 2009 - 9:04 am

See la, when I got mood! >P


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