Home Food Reviews Asam Pedas Hajjah Mona

My first encounter of asam pedas was when rif’s parents invited me over to lunch when we were still dating. Prior to that, I assumed asam pedas and asam fish curry were the same. That lunch was an introduction and education to a variety of Melaka Nyonya food – and I have to say, both my mother in-law and rif’s former nanny makes good asam pedas.



Pots of asam pedas

Needless to say, I never bothered ordering asam pedas outside. A few people recommended the asam pedas from Hajjah Mona near Jonker Street so I decided to give it a go. Since I was on the way to Jonker Street anyway.



Ikan pari

We skipped the white rice and ordered just the ikan pari asam pedas (RM4.50) and ikan tenggiri asam pedas (RM4.50). For a restaurant so popular, I found the asam pedas very average. It was spicy and sour, but lacking rempah and an overall roundness in flavour.


Ikan kembung

Between the ikan pari and tenggiri, I preferred the latter. For some reason, the tenggiri tasted better and absorbed the flavour of the gravy better. If you need more gravy (kuah), you can request for a top-up.


Tomyam ayam

Out of curiosity and to satisfy a craving, I ordered a tom yam ayam (RM5) to try. Not a good choice as it was tasteless and hardly spicy or sour. Don’t bother with this.

While I’m not a fan of Hajjah Mona, you can still give this a try if you want to try asam pedas from Melaka.

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Ambiance: 5/10
Price: 6/10
Food: 5.5/10 (halal)
Verdict: Not my favourite, but it’s a place to try asam pedas if you’re curious.


Hajjah Mona Asam Pedas
No.6, Jalan Laksamana,
Taman Kota Laksamana,
75200 Melaka.
Tel: 012–601 3672/3676
Business hours: 5pm – 5am daily.
GPS Coordinates: N 2 11.626 E 102 14.753

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Melissa July 15, 2013 - 12:28 pm

If its a good assam pedas…the gravy…I’ll drink non-stop :-p

Bangsar Babe July 15, 2013 - 8:45 pm

Hahahaha me too! :P

ady pilot89 August 23, 2013 - 6:28 am

The famous asam pedas is at ujung pasir,open early in the morning by afternoon everything sold out,try the fish roe asam pedas


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