Home Food Reviews Tuck Chan, Seri Kembangan

Dad wanted to try the tai chows in Seri Kembangan, so we went there on Mother’s Day. Since we were not familiar with the place, we settled for this restaurant called Tuck Chan, a place rif used to frequent when he was little.Once we were seated, they served us a plate of prawn crackers. Nice and crispy, I prefer this to the usual (boring) salted peanuts. Since we didn’t know what was good, we placed our orders based on the Si Tau Por’s (lady boss) recommendation. The tofu was quite good; it was crispy on the outside, yet firm and silky on the inside. I especially liked the savoury minced pork and radish topping. It complemented the tofu nicely. A pity this was a small portion, as I really wanted to have more.The deep fried pork slices with supreme sauce was one of their best dishes (according to the si tau por), so we ordered a plate to try. The sauce was too salty, and the pork slices were hard and tough. It felt as though I was chewing on pork jerky. Not worth ordering, if you asked me. I thought the “Ham Yue Fah Lam Pou” was lacking its key ingredient, salted fish. The tender, fatty pork belly was coated with a thick layer of black sauce. If it wasn’t called “Ham Yue Fah Lam Pou”, I would say this was quite a decent dish. But since there’s the word “ham yue” in it, it did not make the cut.The spring onion ginger with fish slices was one of the better dishes that day. The fish slices were meaty and tender, while the spring onions were nice and crunchy. However, I was slightly annoyed to find more spring onions than fish slices on the plate. We ordered two types of vegetables, and it felt as though they were both given an oil bath. Of the two, I liked the baby kailan better. It was lightly seasoned and had lots of crunchy garlic slices. I didn’t like the fried crispy vegetables, it was too bland in my opinion. The rest of us didn’t like this either. Dad loves eating Cantonese Fried “Yin Yong”, so we ordered a plate to try. The gravy was very starchy, and there was hardly any egg in it. Although the beef slices were tender, they were hardly a compensation for the bland, gloppy gravy. The ice cream was complimentary, which I thought was very nice of the restaurant. rif loved coming here as a child, because he wanted the ice cream. When they placed the ice cream on the table, he got super excited, it was hilarious!

Lunch cost RM122.70 inclusive of drinks for the 6 of us. Prices were reasonable, but I found the food very average and slightly on the oily side.

Ambiance: 6/10
Price: 6.5/10
Food: 5.5/10 (non halal)
Verdict: Reasonable prices, average-tasting food.

33A, Jalan Panggung,
Seri Kembangan,
43300 Selangor
03 8948 8836

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KOW and OLC May 29, 2009 - 1:52 am

should have try the Haruan…
tried there a while back.
loved it.
haruan, deboned, sliced and stir fried.

try it next time if you are there again.

"Joe" who is constantly craving May 29, 2009 - 1:52 am

2 pork dishes? u can get a really good version of the supreme sauced pork in gohtong jaya..but it is abit on the hard side, like jerky..

J2Kfm May 29, 2009 - 2:00 am

oh so sweet. BABY CUP some more? :)
what memories.

jenny May 29, 2009 - 3:12 am

I use to go there for lunch a few years back but I still remember their food is delicious.

I remember we used to order their fried kembong fish. Is very crispy and taste good but not sure now. Have to go and try again.

thule a.k.a leo May 29, 2009 - 3:20 am

next time if you ever go to Sri Kembangan again… go to this place… Yap Hin Bah Kut Teh.. beside BKT, they have tai chow too :)

Bangsar-bAbE May 29, 2009 - 3:50 am

leo – Thanks! Will keep this in mind the next time I go… ;)

jenny – I heard from rif that the food used to be quite good. Dunno how come it wasn't so that day…

J2Kfm – Ya lor…but that also means BABY portions! >P

Bangsar-bAbE May 29, 2009 - 3:55 am

Joe – Yup, I was very greedy! =P

Where in gohtong jaya? Always thought the shops there are exp…

KOW and OLC – Thanks for the rec! =D

Life for Beginners May 29, 2009 - 4:13 am

Ah well, though the food was rather average but still there was the tofu to start with, right?

I love tofu with minced meat if it’s really smooth and flavourful… especially the home-made variety prepared fresh by some restaurants. :)

Selba May 29, 2009 - 4:45 am

Whoaaa.. so nice to get complimentary ice cream especially with those cute cartoon on it :)

thule a.k.a leo May 29, 2009 - 6:12 am

why gohtong jaya if you can go to Bukit Tinggi??? Especially when your “the deep fried pork slice with supreme sauce” is available there for around RM10-20 depending on size. Look for Remember 126 Restaurant…

PureGlutton May 29, 2009 - 6:23 am

I think i will be like rif – go there for the cute ice-cream lah, LOL! Havent seen those around for a longg time now.

Bangsar-bAbE May 29, 2009 - 7:02 am

PureGlutton – Hahaha…really adorable hor, those little cups! =D

leo – Bukit Tinggi? I’m not familiar with that place…you show me how to go lar!

Selba – Yes, it was a nice end to the meal… ;)

LFB – LOL, I feel the same way about tofu too!!

thenomadGourmand May 29, 2009 - 7:56 am

oily? salty? *blacklisted in becky’s food of eats* ;p

thule a.k.a leo May 29, 2009 - 7:58 am

it's very easy… just go all the way & pass Kawasan Rehat Genting Sempah… drive for another 2-3km and you should see a kampung on your right hand side. That's Bukit Tinggi… look for a junction on your left that is turning into the area. Then turn right shortly at the T-junction… follow the road and drive all the way… where you'll pass by a row of shophouses. Further in you will see this restaurant… don't forget to order their steamed fish ok??? They are famous with river fish…

550ml jar of faith May 29, 2009 - 10:04 am

I just doubled over, absolutely thrilled, when I saw Baby Cup! HEHEHEHE!! It’s without a doubt the highlight of the meal, and I totally second Rif’s reaction!

Bangsar-bAbE May 29, 2009 - 1:38 pm

550ml – Wow…I didn’t know this ice cream brings fond memories to so many ppl! =D

leo – Thanks…gosh, you know all the ulu-ulu places!

nomad – Hahaha…I still remember your facial expression when you had the super salty sausages at Bellygood! Teehee…..

Myhorng May 29, 2009 - 5:29 pm

hmm.. can see alot of food here. where’s the pillow?

CUMI & CIKI May 29, 2009 - 11:05 pm

it was crispy on the outside, yet firm and silky on the inside..! sounds like a gr8 tagline for an ad!

i too luv hamyee farlam. too bad a lot of plcs mk it too salty!

taufulou June 1, 2009 - 3:43 am

the ice cream, brings back childhood memory when i was young to keep hunting for it yet my parents don allow. heee..

hmmm..not really a good review ya..~

Bangsar-bAbE June 1, 2009 - 6:46 pm

taufulou – Not to say not good…it’s a matter of preference. Based on the earlier comments, I probably missed out on the nicer dishes.


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