Home Food Reviews Kafe Beriani Gam Putra

As mentioned in my previous post, rif took me to the famous Kafe Beriani Gam Putra. It took a few wrong turns and a phone call before we finally found the place. The place is quite dusty due to its location next to the highway. It was also very hot that day, so we ate really quick. I hate sweating like a pig when I’m not working out. o_0One has to line up and select the Beriani Gam from the giant pots aligned in a row. They offer a variety of berianis including beriani kuda (horse). The rice is wrapped with a muslin cloth and steamed together with the curry. We decided to share the Beriani Ayam Kampung, which I was told is one of their best sellers.Despite being steamed, the rice did not clump together. The spices from the curry add flavour and aroma to the rice, and the steaming process makes the rice slightly sticky and creamy. A set comes with acar, some papadam and a bowl of dalcar. The gravy was thick, sweetish, spicy and not overly oily. The chicken, slow-cooked in gravy, was tender and had a good aroma of spices. It tasted delectable with the rice. (I got a whole chicken leg, but it got buried under the pile of rice =P) Made with bits of lamb fat, the dalcar was seriously good stuff. My bowl had a nice piece of fat, which was buttery and full of flavour. Absolutely divine! I wanted to help myself to another bowl, but decided against it as I was terribly stuffed (I had a plate of beriani rice in my tummy already). T_T

The bill came up to RM16 – RM14 for the Beriani Ayam Kampung and RM2 for limau ais. Super expensive, considering it’s just a roadside stall. o_0 Oh well, at least I got my beriani gam and it was damn satisfying!

Ambiance: 1/10
Price: 4/10
Food: 8/10 (halal)
Verdict: Delectable beriani gam, not so pocket-friendly prices.

Lot Sub 4,
Jalan Kajang-Puchong,
Mukim Dengkil,
43000 Sepang,
016 909 0977 / 012 207 4434

GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 2°58’34.23″N Longtitude: 101°43’33.32″E

*I have no idea how to get there, but I know it’s near the Serdang Hospital.

Map credit: ross of lite.fm

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THE WRITER FOR HIRE April 24, 2009 - 8:21 am

I want some Beriani Gam too. I want zee mutton, but that would burn a hole in my pocket. Daylight robbery! Sigh….

SimpleGirl April 24, 2009 - 8:27 am

look not as oily as the one we get in Indian restaurant…but really pricey…ya!

Sean April 24, 2009 - 8:37 am

i’ve been curious about this place for ages, since i keep seeing the big signboard that they have on the highway whenever i drive to putrajaya. now i’m even more tempted to check it out! :D

550ml jar of faith April 24, 2009 - 9:04 am

Been here once on the way back from Cyberjaya, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! But after this meal, I became strangely, rapidly averse to ghee, and now, I can no longer take biryani. Don’t understand why!

thenomadGourmand April 24, 2009 - 9:14 am

walau weii.. got crossed-eyed when i saw horse and the price board! but hell..muz try at least once!

taufulou April 24, 2009 - 9:25 am

wah~ the price is geng..RM14..ishh..
but since you said till so good.. might 1 day wait till i m a bot sot then will drive up and eat..

foodbin April 24, 2009 - 11:28 am

So this is the famous nasi beriani gum-a bit expensive.must try!

Bangsar-bAbE April 24, 2009 - 11:45 am

foodbin – Very expensive!! But must try at least once… =P

taufulou – Better go when the weather’s not so crazy hot…

thenomadGourmand – Yup, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw “kuda”!

And the price… *pengsan* *wallet pain* ^_^

Bangsar-bAbE April 24, 2009 - 11:51 am

550ml – Liddat how to ask you go for beriani?? o_0

Sean – Hehe…go try! =)

SimpleGirl – Not so oily, so not very jelak after that! Price-wise… *_*

THE WRITER FOR HIRE – For RM27, I wonder if you’ll get half a goat! =P

Next time we go lar…ajak you so many times de!

PureGlutton April 25, 2009 - 6:39 am

Have no idea where this is, lol! But rather expensive hoh…ya, the kuda got me stumped for a while too!

CWF April 25, 2009 - 1:10 pm

Didn’t know such place exist when it is so near to my uni.. lol… the “Kuda” surprised me..perhaps they might had sourced them from the Equine Centre from my uni which is nearby.. :P

Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy April 25, 2009 - 2:04 pm

Hey BB; great meeting you today. Am sorry I couldn’t stay and chat for longer. Had my baking class to get to. You take care of yourself. And hope to see you soon.

Sapuche April 25, 2009 - 5:54 pm

Wow, sounds like an interesting roadside stall (though I could do without the dust; you always have to cover your food when a big truck roars by). I’m curious about the beriani kuda, and also the muslin cloth steaming technique. And look at that dalcar! I’m crying with envy! Waa!

Bangsar-bAbE April 25, 2009 - 6:50 pm

Sapuche – Haha…we don’t need dust coating for the rice! More reason for you to visit KL!! =D

Nigel – It was really nice meeting you and Allan too! Yes, hope to see you soon! ;)

CWF – It’s quite hidden, so you have too lookout for the signboard on the highway.

Waaa….take from the Equine Park?? Don’t think so lar! *_*

PureGlutton – Yalor.. really expensive! Hehe…I wonder if it’s tough to eat! =P

Timothy Low April 26, 2009 - 2:12 am

You seem to cover a lot of area in Bangi. You work around there?

Bangsar-bAbE April 26, 2009 - 9:08 am

No lar…so happened I went to both the beriani places in one day!

I work in PJ… =P

ling239 April 27, 2009 - 2:35 pm

steam the rice with the curry ?
sound interesting… first time i heard this! ^_^

Bangsar-bAbE April 27, 2009 - 6:41 pm

Seems like lots of ppl never heard of this method…myself included!

J2Kfm April 28, 2009 - 8:17 am

briyani gam from Johor right? delicious stuff, very very hard to find in Perak lah.

or maybe i’ve been looking at the wrong places.

Bangsar-bAbE April 28, 2009 - 12:25 pm

Yup, it’s from Johor. I also don’t know where to find it in Perak… o_0

Anonymous June 29, 2009 - 11:07 am

Biryani JM is my fav..my rave and my crave… stumbled on their blog..
No cues just aircond & sofas..
10bucks for a plate..
emmm ..have to go there again..


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