Home Feature Brother John Burger, Damansara Utama

Brother John Burger, Damansara Utama

by Bangsar Babe

After hearing people sing praises of Brother John Burger in Damansara Utama, I decided to try it for myself. The stall is manned by Abang John, often addressed as “bro” by his regulars. Abang John has been running his stall for 10 years and sells about 200+ burgers (including hotdogs) a day. He opens for business from 8.30pm till 3am. At 11.30pm, there was a queue and we had to wait 30 minutes for our burgers.Abang John was very nice and happily answered all my questions. He even showed me the brand of mayonnaise he uses, and didn’t mind me constantly taking pictures of him in action. =P I ordered the Ayam Special Cheese and Jeen had the Daging Special Cheese. rif was still full from dinner so he only wanted a few bites from my burger.The patties are cooked “butterfly style”, and he adds a dash of chili powder, pepper and a squeeze of mustard before putting the patties back together. The egg is swirled on the grill, forming a crepe-like base. Chili powder, pepper and soy sauce is then added for flavour. The seasoned patty is then placed on top of the egg base and topped with a slice of cheese. Abang John then folds the egg very neatly to seal in the flavours.The slightly crisp bun base is first topped with shredded cucumber, lettuce, tomato slices and chopped onions. Followed by a generous squeeze of mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. The extravagant patty is then placed on top and drizzled again with mayonnaise & BBQ sauce and topped with the bun top.Watching him prepare the burgers made me salivate in anticipation. Once mine was ready, I proceeded to eat it with gusto. Each bite was sublime. The egg-wrapped patty oozed melted cheese and the mustard gave a sweetish tang to the meat patty. Absolutely scrumptious with the BBQ mayo sauce combination! Abang John’s burgers are less greasy because he uses shortening instead of butter. Nonetheless, it is really sloppy, just the way a good Ramli burger should be.

Price: 7.5/10
Taste: 8.5/10
Verdict: Deliciously juicy, sloppy and full of flavour. What’s not to like?

*Brother John Burger is located across the Uptown Hawker Centre, outside Restoran Bee Fatt.

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"Joe" who is constantly craving March 24, 2009 - 1:34 am

are you on a ramli burger spree??? can come up with a book d!

SimpleGirl March 24, 2009 - 2:08 am

wow, i love “the making” of burger, esp the cheese melthing part…

backStreetGluttons March 24, 2009 - 2:11 am

Some people are born more equal than others , some have trouble taking other peoples’photos while some just have people falling over to be taken…
wow thats a great many juicy photos of little bouncing night burgers

Bangsar-bAbE March 24, 2009 - 4:03 am

BSG – Yeah…he was very sporting, so I got to take loads of pictures! =D

SimpleGirl – Made me damn hungry just by watching…hehehe

joe – Ya, it’s burger month for me! =P

No la…book kenot, but pamphlet maybe can… 😉

mimid3vils March 24, 2009 - 6:02 am

Special method of prepare Ramly burger!! Some special ingredients are used such as mustard, BBQ sauce & shortening!!!

worldwindows March 24, 2009 - 6:13 am

For the extra work on the egg wrap he deserves to sell 200+ a day. That’s good business. Lately I like to stock my freezer with some Ramly burgers for the hunger pangs.

Bangsar-bAbE March 24, 2009 - 6:31 am

worldwindows – Ya, he makes really good money!

mimi – All of which are my favourite sauces!! =D

Shum March 24, 2009 - 8:00 am

I have a newfound respect for ramli burgers….never knew the love that goes into making one…. Mmmm, yumm…now I have to stay back late to get my hands on one of these babies!

Bangsar-bAbE March 24, 2009 - 8:22 am

Uh huh…a lot of effort is put into this one! You SURE you wanna stay back late?? ;D

550ml jar of faith March 24, 2009 - 10:38 am

I am seriously displaying some very uncouth behaviour here at work, looking at the making of that delicious burger! I swear I actually just drooled!

J2Kfm March 24, 2009 - 11:05 am

wah … with chilli powderm pepper and mayo-mustard sauce combo?!!!

u suddenly piqued my interest in Ramli burger stalls again lah …

ok ok. i gotta get my lazy a$$ to one of those in Ipoh. but dunno where to start looking …

where’s this uptown hawker centre?

Bangsar-bAbE March 24, 2009 - 12:02 pm

J2Kfm – It’s in Damansara Utama…very nearby Fusion Restaurant. =) If you want, I can give you directions.

550ml – Hahaha…time to get yourself a burger? =P

Life VS Food March 24, 2009 - 3:33 pm

Wow, you’re very detail!!
I like the cheese melting picture, it makes me feel hungry again!!!

Lissa March 24, 2009 - 5:20 pm

dayumn… you really minat burger O_O ought to come up with a top ten list or sort…

sweet blog. i miss pork…

Steven Goh March 25, 2009 - 1:02 am

The burger looks nice. Btw, where is the exact location of this Abang John’s stall? May be next time when visit Damansara can drop by for supper 🙂

Bangsar-bAbE March 25, 2009 - 3:15 am

Steven – It's located between Bee Fatt and CIMB Wealth Advisors in Damansara Utama.

Lissa – Haha…it's just a special moth for burgers. I don't usually eat this much Ramli burger. =P

Life VS Food – I got lucky! Abang John allowed me to take so many pictures. >D

foodbin March 25, 2009 - 3:28 am

you are the connoisseur of burgers-i bestow you 5 stars.

Bangsar-bAbE March 25, 2009 - 3:56 am

Hehe…I don’t think I qualify, but I’ll take the stars! =P

Sapuche March 25, 2009 - 5:38 am

Oh man, these photos and descriptions are killing me! Anything “deliciously juicy, sloppy, and full of flavor” sounds like something I need to try immediately. Nice post!

Bangsar-bAbE March 25, 2009 - 6:56 am

Thanks! This is one of the better Ramly burgers around.

Wanted to get another one soon after, but decided not to since it was quite late. =P

thenomadGourmand March 27, 2009 - 11:46 pm

ohh…so this is the Abg Botak I heard abt! do u know abt the Friedchillies award thingy? I was goin to try them one by one but the list aint got addresses!I started w the Abg Om, since he’s the closet to my plc.. but was not open the night i went! argghh..
Nice guy horr..and i liked the stepbystep desc of urs 😉
Same commercial Ramli patties..but the little extras of ingredients that mks the diff!

Terence March 28, 2009 - 4:28 am

It’s alwiz good there’s something simple in life.. just like not going to McD just for burgers and opt for the street-style burgers instead…

Oh another recommendation, this burger stall in SS15, set up outside salmon steak restaurant, prepares very nice and tasty burgers too. There’s where i get my fix =) Go ahead and try (and no, they didn’t pay me to advertise)..lol..cheerss

Bangsar-bAbE March 28, 2009 - 5:35 am

Terence – I tried the SS15 before, and still prefer Brother John. 😉

thenomadGourmand – Yes, the fames Abg Botak! =D Saw the Friedchillies award, I would rank his burgers No.2 in that list. You should go after 9pm. He should be there by then. Very nice guy…that’s y I got to take so many photos! =)

Terence March 29, 2009 - 3:45 am

BB – perhaps because i spent most of my college years there thus the preferential choice :)Used to work at DU for 3 years but had never tried Bro John..what a waste..

Bangsar-bAbE March 29, 2009 - 6:17 am

Most taylor’s college ppl say the exact same thing as you! =P

You should go try Brother John! It’s really quite good…

Julian Si April 3, 2009 - 7:39 am


Gordonsky December 12, 2012 - 12:21 pm

Wa you know DU food better than me eventho i stay ere 30+ years! Didnt know about this place. ..


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