Home Food Reviews Ramly Burger, SS2 Mamak Square

Ramly Burger, SS2 Mamak Square

by Bangsar Babe

Continuing with my burger posts, I decided to try the Ramly Burger at SS2 Mamak Square. Apparently, you can also get good fried lala there.
Unlike last week (OM Burger) where Jeen had a plain burger, I informed her 12 hours in advance so she took the Beef Special Cheese and rif, the Ayam Special Cheese.Wan, the burger chap was quite friendly and sportingly answered all my questions. While he uses local chili sauce (Puteri) for the burgers, the mayo and cheese are imported. On a good day, he sells between 100-150 burgers.

For blogging sake, I went for the Ayam DOUBLE Special Cheese. It has two chicken patties, a slice of cheese, a sunny side up, shredded onions & cabbage, mayo and chili sauce. rif and Jeen’s version had one patty each. This version is different from the Otai Burger and OM Burger. For my burger, the patty is fried in butter and he makes a sunny side up separately. He then assembles the burger in this manner:

Bun base + mayo + chili sauce + chicken patty 1 + sunny side up + cheese slice + chicken patty 2 + chili sauce + shredded vegetables + bun top.

Massive, I know. Again, it was hard to put the whole thing into my mouth. Tastewise, I thought it was better than average, but nothing spectacular. I would have preferred the egg to be wrapped around the patty, or at least one of them. The sunny side up was overdone making it rubbery. On top of that, the sauces used were not as liberal.rif and Jeen’s burger fared better because the egg is wrapped around the patty. I was disappointed because he added the cheese on below the egg-wrapped patty instead of putting it inside. This makes the burger less juicy, less sloppy and less fulfilling.

*For those who are greedier than myself, Wan also does a TRIPLE Cheese Special as per request. So knock yourselves out!

Price: 6.75/10
Taste: 7.5/10
Verdict: Satisfying, but something is still missing.

Open air mamak
Jalan SS 2/60
Petaling Jaya

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SimpleGirl March 16, 2009 - 2:46 am

the burger really look massive! price wise also very reasonable for such a big one!!!

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 3:14 am

It is huge! =D

Yup! For RM5, you can only get a burger half its size at McD…

Sapuche March 16, 2009 - 3:57 am

I would love to try these burgers you’ve been reporting on! It’s hard to make a burger unique anymore, but these, I have to say, are really impressive. I mean, I read this and salivate like Pavlov’s hungriest dog: “Bun base + mayo + chili sauce + chicken patty 1 + sunny side up + cheese slice + chicken patty 2 + chili sauce + shredded vegetables + bun top.” This is INSANE. I would love to get the calorie count on one of these babies…but not until AFTER I’ve eaten it. For health’s sake, I hope you’re getting lots of veggies on the side!

foodbin March 16, 2009 - 5:33 am

comfort and calorific!

J2Kfm March 16, 2009 - 5:55 am

wah …. this is getting more n more absurd, like American style of Size-Ups liao … LOL.

fatboybakes March 16, 2009 - 6:12 am

BABE, lovely writeup in NST today about your blog! hey, how come u are UN-ADDABLE on facebook? i got to your name, but cannot add as friend one?

chuan yang March 16, 2009 - 6:50 am


Nuff’ said. cheap and tasty, just ignore the general unhealthiness of Ramly burgers and I guess it’s okay.

Any makan places around Taylor’s College?

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 7:02 am

Sapuche – Insanely unhealthy! =P Don’t bother with the calorie count…just eat!!

And yes, I do get my fair share of veges…mummy insists on it. @_@

foodbin – uh huh!!

J2Kfm – Hahaha…these ppl try hard to massive-fy their burgers! =D

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 7:09 am

fatboybakes – Thanks! Eh, sorry…I changed my settings to private, forgot to change back. A lot of weird friends request back then.

Anyways, added you already! =D

chuan yang – Forget healthy. Just dig in!

Taylor College? Hmmmm…refer to my sidebar for places to eat around Subang and Sunway. 😉

jeen March 16, 2009 - 7:52 am

would you steam fish if you ever had to cook for your friends?
*running away before you can whack me*

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 7:59 am

Very unlikely! Maybe grilled fish. And I told the reporter it is my mum who steams food, not me! @_@

Besides, I prefer to fatten my friends up. =P

FBB March 16, 2009 - 8:09 am

eh, i oso want to do food program. come, can do together gether ah?

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 8:27 am


Which food channel wants food hosts now ah? >P

backStreetGluttons March 16, 2009 - 9:01 am

Congratulations ! You have flown in just at the right time !

We are trying to link up with an Astro movie director to do the greedy thingy you have always wanted, and we have you in mind as the anchor glutton…keen or not ? TQ

…coming soon

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 9:06 am

Very keen! >D *rubs hands in glee…*

jasonl March 16, 2009 - 11:05 am

Hey, read about you on NST today. Just dropping by to say hi. Your posts make me droooooooool

CUMI & CIKI March 16, 2009 - 1:23 pm

harlo! nice site you have.. the double cheese looks like a mouthfuL! Cnt imagine the triple..but can fantasize.. lol:P

Bangsar-bAbE March 16, 2009 - 2:56 pm

jasonl – Thanks for dropping by, and keep on reading! =)

CUMI & CIKI – Heya! Nice of you to pop by…and thanks!

Yeah…it was more than a mouthful! Had to compress the burger before putting it into my mouth…kekeke

I also cannot imagine how massive the triple will be. =D

James Chong March 19, 2009 - 6:55 am

U should try the Burger Lori at Subang SS15, near the market. It opens from 8pm up to 3am on Sats to Fri..closed on Sundays. Very good.

Bangsar-bAbE March 19, 2009 - 7:21 am

Hey, I blogged about this recently.
http://bangsar-babe.blogspot.com/2009/03/burger-shop-ss15.html Yup, it’s quite yummy! =)


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